Friday, October 21, 2011

PD's Southern Cooking Bible

Who's already gone out and added one of these to your cookbook collection?

Does the inside happen to look like this?

If your name is Jamie Owens, shut your mouth. I already know the answer to the question.

Here's how it all went down. Thursday is lazy day around here. I usually stay in my pajamas or gym clothes as long as possible, which is sometimes bedtime, when I change into clean pajamas. ;) Yesterday, it was gym clothes, in case you were wondering. 

I had just finished baking Mrs. Paula's pumpkin bread from her first The Lady & Sons cookbook. I couldn't make that up if I wanted to. There's evidence on my Instagram and Facebook. Anyway, I opened up my Facebook and saw my sister-in-law's post that Paula Deen would be signing cookbooks at our Wal-Mart yesterday. From some of the other folks' comments, I thought I'd already missed it. I called Jamilla up anyway. (She'll be thrilled that I called her that.) The real scoop was that the signing began at 6pm, and I hadn't missed it. 

I had a very long internal debate about whether or not to try and go. Honestly? I really didn't want to put on real pants and make-up. Ultimately, Paula won. If I'll put on pants and make-up for you on my lazy day, you know you're important.

We got there right at 6pm, and the store was almost out of books. We were close(ish) to the back of the line, so we got to weave through women's clothing, jewelry, toys, hardware, and the garden center before we got a glimpse of Mrs. Paula.

I killed a lot of time doing things like this...

There was also lots of chasing her through the store, playing peek-a-boo, don't drop the baby, and I'm pretty sure this girl needs a Rockin' Mickey for Christmas after the amount of times she wanted to watch the demo. Someone had even set up a camping chair in front of it. Lucky for us!

Part of the way through the line, we got to meet this guy. 

He seems so quiet whenever he makes appearances on Paula's TV show, but Mr. Michael was very friendly and personable. Ellyce wasn't sure what to make of him. I'm pretty sure she was scared. She'd been trying to bolt out of my arms until we were talking to him, and she just froze until we walked away again. He uses the word "darling" a lot. I love it!

After much more that was not photo-worthy, we made it! What did I say to Paula Deen? I said, "Hi." And she also said, "Hi." Of all the things I could say to this woman, I completely froze. I could have told her about how when I got married all I knew how to cook were scrambled eggs, egg salad, and my mom's poppyseed chicken casserole until I started watching her show and bought her cookbook. I could have told her that more pages in that cookbook are stained than not, I've used it so much. I could have told her she looks as beautiful in person as she does in pictures and on my television. But I didn't. I just grinned like the cheshire cat and moved on, because her security was intimidating the you-know-what out of me! I didn't even manage a decent picture. Oh, well. I have a good memory and an autograph to prove I've met a celebrity who has actually had a positive impact on my life. 

Because let's face it, y'all. Eating is important! 

P.S. John had also made a request for Bisquick while I was at the Wal-Mart, because he made her sausage balls after I got home! 


  1. I cannot believe you called me that!! I will repay you some day!

  2. Does this mean you two won't be watching the Vols tonight in the same room? I'll bet you will, because vengeance is better served up cold.

  3. I have met this wonderful woman (and man!) quite a few times! They are both so nice and I'm sure she would have loved to hear what you have to say about cooking! I work on the Cooking with Paula Deen magazine so she has been here quite a few times. She's a pretty awesome lady!
