Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Weekend

I love Easter weekend. It's been beautiful outside, so we've spent as much time as possible communing with nature. We ate lunch on the patio. The kids dyed Easter eggs at their picnic table - which is wonderful, because I didn't have to worry about what kind of mess they were going to make of our shiny new carpet. Carpet in the dining room of a home where young kids live? Very bad idea.

John repainted our patio furniture. We'd considered replacing it this year, but decided on a gallon of paint and a new umbrella instead. Our big splurge may be a fire pit. Maybe. Hopefully. Then maybe we can be the ones to freak out our neighbors. (Every time our next-door neighbors light theirs up, you can see a reflection of fire in the garage windows across the street. I always feel obliged to check it out.)

I planted a big container and some hanging baskets. The pool for how quickly I can kill them may begin. And if you know ahead of time that dahlias, rosemary, and apple mint will murder one another, keep it to yourself. I think it's pretty.

I also discovered something wonderful about the one tree planted in our yard. It's a dogwood! It has one perfect bloom, just in time. I turned off the lazy switch on the camera, played around for a while, and got a pretty decent photograph of it.

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