Friday, September 3, 2010

Dress Up Box

For Neely's birthday, we're giving her a dress up box. If you're in the mood to decorate a large plastic container with me, read on!

I began by printing her name off the computer in giant letters. It took a couple of pages, so I cut and pasted them together. I then taped the paper on the underside of the container's lid. Did I mention that it should be clear? It should be clear. ;)

Next, I traced and colored in Neely's name with paint pens. These are the kind I used - available at your local Wally World. I'm sure they have them at the craft store, too, but you can get both the container and the markers at Wal-Mart. I love one-stop shopping...especially if there are unruly children involved.

After I finished her name, I went a little crazy decorating it with ladybugs and little flowers, you know, to make it girly.

Now, all I need to do is fill it!