Friday, April 24, 2009

Preschool Crush

I have no pictures to accompany this one, so hopefully the story itself is good enough.

When I dropped Aidan off at Mom's Day Out today, one of his little girl friends, Victoria, was being dropped off by her grandfather at the same time. (A little aside about Victoria - she is a supercute little brunette who is always wearing a huge, fancy bow.) I must have called Aidan's name as we were walking up, because Victoria's grandfather said, "Oh, so this is Aidan." Apparently, on the drive to church, he'd asked Victoria about her friends at class, in particular if there were any little boys that she liked. She talked about Aidan the rest of the way there.

Victoria overheard Grandpa telling me all of this, and you should have seen her light up when she realized Aidan was on the other side of the door. As we opened the door to let Aidan in, she immediately comes out and starts bestowing hugs on him like crazy...all while he was hiding behind my legs and trying to get away from her. It was cute, cute, cute.

Grandpa also warned me that I may be in trouble when Aidan gets to be a teenager. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, I suppose.


  1. How sweet! I remember when my son was in preschool he liked a little girl named Sam. He wanted to take her "out" so we went to Pizza Hut! He's now 13 so enjoy it while you can! Thanks for stopping by our blog. Have a great weekend.

  2. He was trying to get away from Victoria because his heart belongs to Madeline. He would never cheat ;)

    Word: grablund

    Maddie had a grablund in her diaper this morning that made me wonder if I should call the pediatrician, SWAT, or a HAZMAT team.

  3. Yeah, or he's just not down with aggressive women.

  4. Hugs are's the kisses you have to worry about!
