Maybe I shouldn't say "bad." Maybe I should say, "Our morning has been...eventful." Regardless, this has been the highlight of my day thus far. My felt came from Prairie Point Junction! I have a new project waiting in the wings. I'll share once I've finished it.
My name is Audra. I’m a Tennessee girl born-and-bred, but for the last five years, I’ve been following my husband around the Southeast. We’ve been in northern Louisiana for a little over three years now. I have two sweet kiddos, Aidan and Neely, and in having them, I’ve fulfilled the only goal I ever set for myself – to be a mother. I stay home with my children, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every day is a learning experience and a challenge for me. I’m learning how to be a good mommy, a better housekeeper, and to cherish every moment with my little ones. Most of my inspiration for this blog comes from sweet or funny moments with my kids. And of course, every once in a while, I’ve got to throw some arts and crafts in there, because the only thing I love to do as much as I do spending time with my family is making things.
I'm curious to see what you are coming up with.